The DC Valentine’s Day event you won’t want to miss
Cupid’s Bar Crawl 2013 is almost here!
Valentine’s Day seems to be one of those times of the year that really sneaks up on us. Hours before the big day you’ll see guys scrambling at the jewelry stores or feverishly refreshing OpenTable in hopes that the restaurant booked up three months ago magically has an opening. You will also find women talking about how many gifts she will be receiving from her special someone, when in reality she’s hoping her boyfriend doesn’t forget Valentine’s Day. The result for both men and women is panic!
So as many single and non-singles alike quiver at the thought of Valentine’s day, this writer can give you a positive light on a time of year you really should be excited for. And no, I don’t have a secret reservation hotline, but I can suggest an alternative event that will offer a little something for everyone — Cupid’s Bar Crawl 2013!
When you think of February or Valentine’s Day you may not think a pub crawl, but you should! Project DC Events’ Cupid’s Bar Crawl will take place on Saturday, February 9th in DuPont Circle. An event ticket gets you a souvenir mug, Valentine’s Day/Mardi Gras signature beads, access to some of DC’s finest bars, exclusive drink and food specials, and a raffle entry to win some great prizes. Participating establishments include Public Bar, The Madhatter, Irish Whiskey, Sign of the Whale, Ozio and The Mighty Pint, to name a few. Each bar will feature Valentine’s Day & Mardi Gras shenanigans and drinks specials from 3PM until 11PM.
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