And the 2019 Philadelphia Potter Crawl raffle winners are..
Blue Light Events and Project DC Events would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2019 Philadelphia Potter Crawl. We’d also like to thank our sponsors: Lyft, Bud Light, and our establishment partners for their support.
And the raffle winners are:
An Android Tablet:
Austin Fox
Pair of Philadelphia Phillies Tickets:
Nora Claire Burdell
2 $25 Starbucks Gift Certificates:
Ben Hoosen Jones
Kevin Button
A $50 Gift Card to JJ Bootleggers:
Tristan Chapman
10 Pairs – 2 Tickets each to our next event:
Brian Barnhart
Tom England
Rachael Griffin
Susannah Foos
Jenny Garten
Becca Spaulding
Katie LaWall
Sean Lacey
Candace Riker
Vicky Lee
Best Dressed Winners:
If you see your handle/name listed below, please email us at We will also reach out via social media. Congrats to you all!
@fabrimancer, @xtaralynn2x, @frecklefacesee, @allyclaudio
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