Shamrock 2025 Event Musts (Washington, DC)
Published: 3/14/2025
Today is the BIG DAY! Take a screenshot of this screen so that you know how to maneuver the day.
What are the drink specials? Here they are:
-$4 Bud Lights
-$4 Rail drinks
-$4 Shamrock Shots
Some of our friends will have their doors open ALL-DAY and night TODAY too:
On Connecticut Avenue:
Tokyo Pearl, Phantom DC, Ruben’s, Cafe Citron, Saint Yves, City Tap House
On L Street:
Getting hungry? Our friends at RUBEN’s Tacos will be offering 2 quesadillas for the price of 1 to all ticket holders. Go visit them! They are located next to Phantom DC.
Want to sing with your crew? Our friends at Recessions will host Karaoke starting at 6 PM. What’s better than signing while pounding Irish car bombs?
Realization: Posting updates on our website beats printing thousands of paper maps. Have questions? See the FAQs section right under this picture.
Can someone under 21 participate?
Sorry, you must be 21+ to join
How can I get to the event?
If you are not taking public transportation, please do NOT drink and drive! Have a designated driver ready to pick you up.
Am I guaranteed a ticket the day of?
No, tickets at the door are dependent on the capacity of the event.
I really wanted my party favor, what can I do?
We will make it up to you. Shipping issues are out of our control. Next week we will send all ticket holders a Google Form with 3 events so that they can claim a free ticket to one of them.
Why did you not print maps?
We are looking into moving away from printed maps. Once a map is printed, we cannot add additional updates. With digital updates we can update you on amazing things, like the food specials, in real time.
I struggle with directions and want to find the venues above on a map
We don’t want you to get lost. Click here to see all of our friends on a map.